10th STS Italia Conference

Technoscience for Good:

Designing, Caring, and Reconfiguring

11-13 JUNE 2025

Politecnico di Milano, Milan

Scholarships program

Key information and deadlines

Conference Dates

Call for Panels

Call for Abstracts


Opens: 3 March

Early-bird registration: 24 March

Late registration: (for participants) 14 April

Registration for Audience: no deadline

Program available from 12 May


The conference will be held in person. Streaming is not envisaged.
The language of the conference will be English.

Registration Fee

Participation in the conference is subject to a registration fee. STS Italia and META strongly support a low fees policy.

Scholarships for 10th STS Italia Conference can be requested by those who either have their abstract accepted or those are acting as convenors of an accepted panel.​

There are two types of scholarship covering different expenses:

STS Italia Scholarships

STS Italia scholarships are offered by STS Italia.

STS Italia scholarships cover conference fee, the social party and a the reimbursement of accommodation and travel expenses up to 500.00€ for registered speakers or convenors.

STS Italia membership is not included.

STS Italia scholarships are intended only for early-career researchers (i.e., master students, PhD students, postdocs).

CEI Scholarships

CEI scholarships are generously offered by Central Europe Initiative (CEI).

CEI scholarships cover accommodation (up to 250€) and travel expenses (up to 250€) and social party.

Conference fees and STS Italia membership are not covered by CEI Scholarship.

All participants from institutions based in CEI member states are eligible to apply.

Scholarships available

STS Italia Scholarships: there are currently 5 scholarships made available by STS Italia scholarships. They are intended only for early-career researchers. STS Italia may consider to increase the number in the near future depending on the number  of applications, their quality and the availability of funds.

CEI scholarships: 18 scholarships are available for participants from institutions based in CEI member states. Any convenor or speaker from CEI member state is eligible to apply, but priority will be given to early-career researchers in untenured positions.

Assessment procedure

Applications will be assessed according to:

Current position of the applicant: as a general criterion the selection committee gives priority to early-career researchers in order to encourage peer networking and exchange with the academic community. NB: While being early-career status is not mandatory for CEI Scholarships it is a requirement for STS Italia Scholarships,.

CV: assessment committee considers candidate’s CV and the coherence of their path with the conference theme and, more generally, the STS community.

Motivational statement: selection committee will assess the individual’s interest in the conference and how the conference may fit into specific aspects of the CV and research trajectory.

Applicants may apply for only one type of scholarship (either CEI or STS Italia scholarship). Applying for both scholarships will invalidate the applicant’s submission by default.

Mandatory requirements: 

There are two mandatory requirements in order to apply for the Scholarship Programme for both type of scholarships:

  1. STS Italia membership for the current year in good standing, having paid your dues for 2025.
  2. Having an accepted abstract or acting as a convenor of an accepted panel.

For STS Italia Scholarship is mandatory to be an early-career researcher: master students, Phd Students, postdocs.

For CEI Scholarship is mandatory to be from an institution based in a CEI member state, except Italy.

Opening and Deadline

The call opens on February 28 and the deadline is set for March 15, 2025

How to apply


Applicants will be notified about the results of the assessment procedure by March 20, 2025. Scholarship grantees must submit a claim form for reimbursement of eligible expenses (travel, board and accomodation). For those who have not a scholarship granted they will be invited to pay early-bird fee.

Reimbursements for scholarship grantees

Requests can be submitted before the conference but reimbursements will not be paid until July 1, 2025.

Latest Conference News

Organized by

STS Italia – The Italian Association for Social Studies of Science and Technology was founded in 2005 to build up an Italian network of researchers oriented to study Science and Technology starting from the social dynamics which characterize and interweave science and technology themselves.

META – Social Studies and Humanities for Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary research unit at the Politecnico di Milano with expertise in the study of scientific research and technological innovation, it produces and disseminates knowledge and offers expertise on epistemological, ethical, social and political issues related to science and technology.

Getting to Milan

Getting to Bovisa Campus
