28/6: Day I – “Mapping Heterogeneous Spaces”


Welcome address and Students’ self-introduction

Lecture – Ola Söderström, University of Neuchatel: “Travelling injunctions: disciplining urban practices through mobile built forms”


Students’ Workshop


Lecture: Attila Bruni, University of Trento: “Doing fieldwork in heterogeneous spaces”

29/6: Day II – “The City between Crisis and Everyday”

Lecture: Barbara Allen, Virginia Tech: “NGO networks and emergent laboratories in the post-disaster city”


Students’ Workshop

12.30-18.00: Visit to Porto Torres oil plant “Polimeri Europa”

13.00-14.15: Lunch at Polimeri Europa canteen

14.30-15.15: Polimeri Europa Presentation

15.15-16.15: Visit to plants

16.30-17.15: Lecture by Sandro Ruju, Hystorian – “Rise and fall of Porto Torres Oil Plants: the transformations of work and territory”

17.15-18.00: Lecture by Elisabetta Cioni, University of Sassari – “Dynamics of belonging in a local society: the Case of Porto Torres”

18.00-18.45: lecture by Stefania Vicari, University of Leicester – “Porto Torres socio Technological Networks: Facebook and The Island of Workers on redundancy payment”

19.00-20.00: Walking tour in Porto Torres Town (Guide: Alessandro Mongili)

20.15: Social Dinner at NaturaBio Agritour

30/6: Day III – “Re-Shaping Cities”

Lecture – Michael Guggenheim, Goldsmiths – University of London: “Law, Architecture and Change of Use”


Lecture – Arnaldo Bibo Cecchini, University of Sassari & Monica Johansson, University of Kalmar: “Restless city: denizens and urban construction”


Students’ Workshop

01/07: Day IV Final Session – “Representing the Urban”

Lecture – Claudio Coletta, Francesco Gabbi, Giovanna Sonda, Penelope research Group: “Urban Plots, Organizing Cities”


Students’ presentations and closing session


Barbara Allen is associate professor at Virginia Tech’s Washington DC. Her current research activity involves both dynamics of citizens, science, regulation and environmental justice in heavily polluted regions in the U.S./EU and the efficacy of NGO efforts in the rebuilding and repatriation of post-disaster New Orleans.

Attila Bruni is Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the Trento University, where he teaches Sociology of Technological Phenomena and Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes. His research interests regard particularly the study of tecnological phenomena in relation to work and organizing practices, as well as the construction of gender in the workplace, qualitative methodologies and interactionist sociology.

Arnaldo “Bibo” Cecchini is full professor in Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero (University of Sassari), president of the Urban Planning School and author of several publications on urban and environmental planning. He explores urban phenomena from a perspective based on Games, Simulations and Urban Models.

Elisabetta Cioni, is full professor in sociology of cultural processes and communication at the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Sassari). Her research activity focuses on cultural processes through a perspective based on gender, social inequality and multidimensional interpretatios of social change.

Claudio Coletta, Francesco Gabbi and Giovanna Sonda form the “Penelope” project on the emerging patterns of urban textures. They investigate into urban space through the interplay of practices, narratives and artefacts, adopting an evidential approach.

Michael Guggenheim is sociologist of science, technology, expertise and art at Goldsmiths, University of London. His work involves the relationship between experts and lay people, the role of objects for this relationship and on methodical and theoretical innovation derived from the combination of science studies with sociological theory.

Monica Johansson teaches Political Thought and Local and International Democratisation at JIBS. Her recent research focuses on policy analysis, citizen participation, governance and tourism. Monica collaborates with the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero since June 2007, as a project assistant for the Springer book series “Urban and Landscape Perspectives”.

Ola Söderström is full professor of Social and Cultural Geography at the University of Neuchâtel. His work aims to analyse society as a material and spatialised culture, studying the mutual relationships between ideas, social relations and practices on one side, and material/urban formations on the other side.

Stefania Vicari is lecturer in Sociology of cultural processes at the University of Leicester. Her academic interests concern the general research areas of social movements, public opinion, and the media. She is currently investigating the impact of Social Network Site interactions on offline public opinion and mobilization.


Alessandro Mongili, University of Padova
Alvise Mattozzi, IUAV – Venice
Andrea Lorenzet, University of Padova
Dario Mangano, University of Palermo
Giovanna Sonda
, IRSRS – Trento
Francesco Gabbi, IUAV – Venice
Giuseppina Pellegrino, University of Calabria
Assunta Viteritti, University of Rome – Sapienza

28/6: Day I – “Mapping Heterogeneous Spaces”


Welcome address and Students’ self-introduction

Lecture – Ola Söderström, University of Neuchatel: “Travelling injunctions: disciplining urban practices through mobile built forms”


Students’ Workshop


Lecture: Attila Bruni, University of Trento: “Doing fieldwork in heterogeneous spaces”

29/6: Day II – “The City between Crisis and Everyday”

Lecture: Barbara Allen, Virginia Tech: “NGO networks and emergent laboratories in the post-disaster city”


Students’ Workshop

12.30-18.00: Visit to Porto Torres oil plant “Polimeri Europa”

13.00-14.15: Lunch at Polimeri Europa canteen

14.30-15.15: Polimeri Europa Presentation

15.15-16.15: Visit to plants

16.30-17.15: Lecture by Sandro Ruju, Hystorian – “Rise and fall of Porto Torres Oil Plants: the transformations of work and territory”

17.15-18.00: Lecture by Elisabetta Cioni, University of Sassari – “Dynamics of belonging in a local society: the Case of Porto Torres”

18.00-18.45: lecture by Stefania Vicari, University of Leicester – “Porto Torres socio Technological Networks: Facebook and The Island of Workers on redundancy payment”

19.00-20.00: Walking tour in Porto Torres Town (Guide: Alessandro Mongili)

20.15: Social Dinner at NaturaBio Agritour

30/6: Day III – “Re-Shaping Cities”

Lecture – Michael Guggenheim, Goldsmiths – University of London: “Law, Architecture and Change of Use”


Lecture – Arnaldo Bibo Cecchini, University of Sassari & Monica Johansson, University of Kalmar: “Restless city: denizens and urban construction”


Students’ Workshop

01/07: Day IV Final Session – “Representing the Urban”

Lecture – Claudio Coletta, Francesco Gabbi, Giovanna Sonda, Penelope research Group: “Urban Plots, Organizing Cities”


Students’ presentations and closing session


Barbara Allen is associate professor at Virginia Tech’s Washington DC. Her current research activity involves both dynamics of citizens, science, regulation and environmental justice in heavily polluted regions in the U.S./EU and the efficacy of NGO efforts in the rebuilding and repatriation of post-disaster New Orleans.

Attila Bruni is Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the Trento University, where he teaches Sociology of Technological Phenomena and Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes. His research interests regard particularly the study of tecnological phenomena in relation to work and organizing practices, as well as the construction of gender in the workplace, qualitative methodologies and interactionist sociology.

Arnaldo “Bibo” Cecchini is full professor in Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero (University of Sassari), president of the Urban Planning School and author of several publications on urban and environmental planning. He explores urban phenomena from a perspective based on Games, Simulations and Urban Models.

Elisabetta Cioni, is full professor in sociology of cultural processes and communication at the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Sassari). Her research activity focuses on cultural processes through a perspective based on gender, social inequality and multidimensional interpretatios of social change.

Claudio Coletta, Francesco Gabbi and Giovanna Sonda form the “Penelope” project on the emerging patterns of urban textures. They investigate into urban space through the interplay of practices, narratives and artefacts, adopting an evidential approach.

Michael Guggenheim is sociologist of science, technology, expertise and art at Goldsmiths, University of London. His work involves the relationship between experts and lay people, the role of objects for this relationship and on methodical and theoretical innovation derived from the combination of science studies with sociological theory.

Monica Johansson teaches Political Thought and Local and International Democratisation at JIBS. Her recent research focuses on policy analysis, citizen participation, governance and tourism. Monica collaborates with the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero since June 2007, as a project assistant for the Springer book series “Urban and Landscape Perspectives”.

Ola Söderström is full professor of Social and Cultural Geography at the University of Neuchâtel. His work aims to analyse society as a material and spatialised culture, studying the mutual relationships between ideas, social relations and practices on one side, and material/urban formations on the other side.

Stefania Vicari is lecturer in Sociology of cultural processes at the University of Leicester. Her academic interests concern the general research areas of social movements, public opinion, and the media. She is currently investigating the impact of Social Network Site interactions on offline public opinion and mobilization.


Alessandro Mongili, University of Padova
Alvise Mattozzi, IUAV – Venice
Andrea Lorenzet, University of Padova
Dario Mangano, University of Palermo
Giovanna Sonda
, IRSRS – Trento
Francesco Gabbi, IUAV – Venice
Giuseppina Pellegrino, University of Calabria
Assunta Viteritti, University of Rome – Sapienza