Save the date: 13th January 2025, Workshop “Knowledge, ignorance and policy-making” with Katharina Paul

Published: 11/18/2024

STS Italia Workshop ‘Knowledge, ignorance and policy-making: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic’

The workshop titled “Knowledge, Ignorance and Policy-Making. Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” will feature a presentation by Katharina Paul from the University of Vienna. The workshop will address how non-knowing can shape public decision-making in a dialoguw with our guest lecture will and with contributions from Maria Carmela Agodi (University of Naples Federico II) and Giuseppe Ieraci (University of Trieste) as discussants. The seminar is organized in collaboration with the Interuniversity Center for Analysis of Symbols and Political Institutions “Mario Stoppino” (CASIP) with the support of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Trieste. The event will be held in person, and participation is free upon registration: please check the new Events page of STS Italia.