IV Convegno Nazionale di STS Italia – KEYNOTE

Published: 06/04/2012

IV Convegno Nazionale di STS Italia

“Tecnologie Emergenti, Mondi Sociali”

Rovigo, 21-23 Giugno 2012


Leonardo Chiariglione

Leonardo Chiariglione is an Italian engineer (PhD 1973, University of Tokyo) in charge of international standardization of digital contents in the Internet. In 1988 Chiariglione founded the “Moving Picture Expert Group” (MPEG), the group that developed international standards for multimedia digital contents and produced dozens of standards including MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and musical format MP3. He published several articles and essays on media and digital encoding issues, and recently the book “The MPEG Representation of Digital Media” (Springer, 2011).

Stefan Kuhlmann

Stefan Kuhlmann is Chair of the Department of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STəPS), a member of the programme council of university’s ‘Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies’ (IGS), and leader of the Twente Graduate School programme “Governance of Knowledge and Innovation”. He is a political scientist and studied also history (University of Marburg, Germany; graduation 1978); 1986 he received the degree of PhD in political science (Dr.rer.pol.), at University of Kassel, Germany; 1998 he got a ‘habilitation’ (2nd doctorate) in political science at this university. Since 1979 Stefan Kuhlmann has been involved in studies of research and technological innovation as social and political processes – with changing entrance points and perspectives. During the last two decades he has analysed science, research and innovation systems and public policies, focusing on the dynamics of governance. Until summer 2006 he was managing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems Innovation Research (ISI), Germany, and Professor of Innovation Policy Analysis at the Copernicus Institute, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Alex Preda

Alex Preda is Professor of Accounting, Accountability and Financial Management. He holds a PhD from the University of Bielefeld. Prior to joining the Department of Management at King’s College he worked at the University of Edinburgh and at the University of Konstanz. His principal research activities relate to global financial markets, and his research interests include: strategic behaviour in financial markets; decision-making and cognitive processes in electronic anonymous markets; market automation and trading technologies; valuation processes in markets; the role of communication in decision-making processes; the public understanding of finance; the governance of global finance.

IV STS Italia National Conference

“Emerging Technologies, Social Worlds”

Rovigo, 21-23 June 2012


Leonardo Chiariglione

Leonardo Chiariglione is an Italian engineer (PhD 1973, University of Tokyo) in charge of international standardization of digital contents in the Internet. In 1988 Chiariglione founded the “Moving Picture Expert Group” (MPEG), the group that developed international standards for multimedia digital contents and produced dozens of standards including MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and musical format MP3. He published several articles and essays on media and digital encoding issues, and recently the book “The MPEG Representation of Digital Media” (Springer, 2011).

Stefan Kuhlmann

Stefan Kuhlmann is Chair of the Department of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STəPS), a member of the programme council of university’s ‘Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies’ (IGS), and leader of the Twente Graduate School programme “Governance of Knowledge and Innovation”. He is a political scientist and studied also history (University of Marburg, Germany; graduation 1978); 1986 he received the degree of PhD in political science (Dr.rer.pol.), at University of Kassel, Germany; 1998 he got a ‘habilitation’ (2nd doctorate) in political science at this university. Since 1979 Stefan Kuhlmann has been involved in studies of research and technological innovation as social and political processes – with changing entrance points and perspectives. During the last two decades he has analysed science, research and innovation systems and public policies, focusing on the dynamics of governance. Until summer 2006 he was managing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems Innovation Research (ISI), Germany, and Professor of Innovation Policy Analysis at the Copernicus Institute, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Alex Preda

Alex Preda is Professor of Accounting, Accountability and Financial Management. He holds a PhD from the University of Bielefeld. Prior to joining the Department of Management at King’s College he worked at the University of Edinburgh and at the University of Konstanz. His principal research activities relate to global financial markets, and his research interests include: strategic behaviour in financial markets; decision-making and cognitive processes in electronic anonymous markets; market automation and trading technologies; valuation processes in markets; the role of communication in decision-making processes; the public understanding of finance; the governance of global finance.